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How Athletic Greens Addresses Chronic Fatigue

chronic fatigue

Basketball subjects its players to extreme high-energy movements such as breakneck sprints, jumps, accelerations, decelerations, and sudden shifts in direction during competition and training which may lead to chronic, constant fatigue. While feeling worn-out and exhausted after a game is completely normal, chronic fatigue is more incapacitating due to its long-term effects. 

The Consequences of Chronic Fatigue

Chronic fatigue adversely affects performance and prevents basketball athletes from playing at full optimum level, which may derail potentially promising careers.

Here are a few devastating consequences of constant fatigue: 

It’s vital to rule out medical illness as the underlying cause of a basketball athlete’s chronic fatigue. Constant exhaustion and tiredness are typical symptoms of illnesses like heart disease, kidney disease, lung ailments, diabetes, anemia and clinical depression. Less severe conditions such as nutritional deficiencies, allergies and sleep disorders may also cause chronic fatigue. 

The Usual Causes of Chronic Fatigue in Basketball 

The most common non-medical causes of chronic fatigue for basketball athletes are overtraining, long seasons and continuous travel. Because of the year-round calendar of games and the increasingly physical nature of the sport, hoopsters are specifically vulnerable to chronic fatigue.

With recent innovations in training and training equipment, basketball players are presented with a wide range of training options. Advances in training methods have definitely helped produce stronger, faster, and extremely conditioned basketball athletes that have elevated the sport to greater heights.  

However, the same advances have prompted some players to over-exert and over-reach well beyond their bodies’ capabilities. When the energy and power required to perform an intense physical activity are disproportionate to an athlete’s capacity, muscle fatigue takes place, which may lead to chronic fatigue when combined with other factors.  

How to Recover from Constant Fatigue or Avoid it Completely 

To overcome chronic fatigue or to prevent it from ever happening, there are a few basic guidelines that should be strictly followed: 

Defeat Fatigue with Athletic Greens

Athletic Greens Ultimate Daily augments the body’s nutritional requirements. It supplies all the essential vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that food intake alone cannot completely provide. It’s gluten-free and dairy-free as well as paleo-friendly, keto-friendly, and vegan-friendly to suit any lifestyle. Athletic Greens’ all-natural formula doesn’t contain any preservatives, GMOs, artificial colors, or artificial sweeteners. 

Here is a breakdown of Athletic Greens Ultimate Daily’s ingredients that target exhaustion and fatigue: 

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